Meet Byte; The At-Home Invisible Aligners Set To Make Straight Teeth Accessible

Gone are the days when the pursuit of straight teeth involved a mouthfull of metal and several trips to the dentist. Invisible alignment treatments have revolutionised the dental care industry, providing a visually-appealing alternative to traditional braces. However, the sheer volume of invisible alignment treatments on the market coupled with lack of regulation and consumer education can make it difficult to know which brand to turn to.

When it comes to your teeth, you want to ensure you’re in good hands. So, when selecting an invisible alignment treatment, it’s essential to know it’s been vetted by the pros. Byte is a dentist-reviewed teledentistry platform that not only offers invisible alignment treatments, but also seeks to provide consumers with oral wellness education and awareness. 

Founded and headquartered in Los Angeles, Byte recently expanded into the Australian market with the mission to make the inaccessible, accessible. Representing the best of both worlds, Byte unites the ease of at-home treatments with the expert guidance of Australia’s leading dentists.

At the core of the Byte system sit three key products. Daytime or nighttime aligners are supported by HyperByte, a high-frequency vibration device that aids in speeding up tooth movement; BrightByte, a three-in-one cleaner, whitener, and breath freshener; and BrightByte, a LED teeth whitening kit. Each Byte treatment plan is overseen by a registered Australian dentist, meaning only customers who are ideal candidates for invisible aligners are accepted while also providing customers with the option to seek further professional oral health advice.

“The expense of dental disease is high in Australia, mainly due to lack of access to care and education of the disease process,” explained Dr. Saskia Salvestro, Dental Surgeon. “Aligner treatment helps patients achieve straighter teeth, which can also help make oral hygiene more efficient and teeth easier to keep clean.”

What’s more, Byte is placing oral wellness in your hands with the My Byte app. Accompanying treatment for new and existing customers, the My Byte app makes it easy to log and track your progress. As well as a comprehensive check-in system delivered in tandem with a dental practitioner, the My Byte app reminds users to use their HyperByte tool which may aid in speeding up the alignment process, and provides up-to-date information about their treatment and its projected timeframe.

Making quality oral wellness more accessible, Byte simplifies alignment treatment with their dentist-reviewed at-home invisible alignment system. To learn more about Byte and kickstart your journey towards a straighter smile, visit the Byte website.

Words by AR Staff