While many countries seem to be on the fringe of what has now been ubiquitously termed ‘the new normal’, others are experiencing a deadly second wave. India is undergoing one of the worst resurgences of the Covid-19 virus, exacerbated by a shortage of medical oxygen, vaccines, and hospital spaces, as well as a degree of political inaction. The second most populous nation in the world, India has over 20 million reported active Covid-19 cases, with the official death toll over 220,00; however, true figueres are believed to be much higher, reflecting the issues the healthcare system is facing.
Spurred on by the crisis, London-based Indians Heta Fell and Vivek Vadoliya, alongside Danielle Pender, have launched Art for India, an online print sale to raise funds for Mission Oxygen, a charity importing oxygen concentrators and distributing them to hospitals across India.
Leading artists from India and the diaspora have come together to make a difference, donating some of their most beloved work. The Art for India sale features work from the likes of Bharat Sikka, Prarthna Singh, Kalpesh Lathigra, Avani Rai, Vivek Vadoliya, and Ashish Shah. Priced at £100 per print, all profits (after printing and shipping costs) will go directly to the Mission Oxygen appeal.
“As the UK (hopefully) emerges from the worst of its own crisis, seeing the news from India has been devastating and deeply affecting us all,” the trio wrote in a press release. “We are grateful to the artists for joining us in this important cause and hopeful that each print sold can make a small but meaningful difference in lessening the tragedy of this situation.”
The Art for India print sale is available to shop here, until the end of Sunday, 9th May.
Words by T. Angel
Feature image courtesy of Prarthna Singh for Art for India